The above picture was taken on our property in Lone Butte at 6 a.m. in early September. I'd come out of the trailer in my nightgown and wellies to let the dogs out of the back of the truck. I raced back in to grab the camera, leaving the dogs very puzzled about their continued confinement. It was one of those rare moments of awe and wonder when you marvel at how you could have been chosen to witness something so incredibly beautiful. The photo doesn't do the moment justice at all. As soon as I'd taken pics, I realized that everywhere was very frosty, let the dogs out to romp, and dove back inside to get dressed and warmed up.
Michael called from 100 Mile. He has been speaking with someone about a potential job. He also went out to the property, and said that Dave has nearly finished fencing - Dave called here this morning, looking for Mike, and said he thought they'd be done by Tuesday night. Cliff has done some more work and the septic line is in and ready. Nice to know that things are progressing!

The trend-spotters handbook
Bobos/fauxhemians: grown-ups with mainstream jobs getting into alternative or bourgeois bohemian culture.
Your blog is soo great.. I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a
lifekey site. It pretty much covers lifekey related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-) Im waiting...
oh perfect. Spammed already.
What the heck is a fauxhemian?
Your blog is soooooo great.. too bad the spam machine can't read it to see that it actually *is* great...
Blogs do best when they have a purpose... glad you've centred yours on the details of the big move! Looking forward to seeing details. Love, J
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