Monday, December 26, 2005

Cariboo Christmas

We had a white Christmas, but only just. The "pineapple express" brought ridiculously warm temperatures to our area for the last few days, causing meltage and mud. To backtrack a little:

I picked up Mike's dad, who got safely installed at Hawthorne the previous week, on Thursday morning and took him up to stay at Dori's. When I arrived to collect him, I had the dogs in the car, and darling Lucy managed to step into my latte and spew milky coffee all over the car. After some mopping up, we were on our way. I dropped Allegro with Dori, and headed for our new home. It's very sparsely furnished at this point, but is very cute and is going to be very cozy when completely moved into.

The nice Telus man dutifully arrived Friday morning to install the already installed phone line, and just shook his head. He said things were ever so much better in the days of BC Tel. No kidding. Anyway...the phone works now!

We spent Christmas eve with a nice roaring fire in the woodstove, and some big mugs of Bailey's coffee.

Christmas morning we opened gifts, and took the dogs for a trek along the fenceline. Mike napped while I prepped huge quantities of vegetables, and in the afternoon we headed to Dori & Gary's for a fabulous Christmas dinner.

I headed south this morning with the dogs. Mike is coming down today too; he's dropping Allegro off at Hawthorne on his way home, and tomorrow has to make some sort of order out of the garage!

The movers come one month from today!

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