Here's a very unglamourous shot of a hole Mike is digging to place support posts for the porches and deck. That orange pipe is the phone line conduit, and beneath that lies the power line for the house...needless to say, he's being very careful. The backhoe attachment for the tractor is coming in most handy!
Who wants to look at a hole in the ground when they can see a furry black kitty???
Molly update please!!!!
The Inman Road Chronicler is working 2 people's jobs rolled into one at the moment, and has little time for frivolous kitten picture posting. I'll get a pic up by Saturday.
nothin' wrong with goin' down holes - just stay well clear of that hydro stuff right!
Even though the hole is really very nice, I'm still waiting patiently for the general perspective shots of the property ;)
very nice HOLE!!!!!
Alas, the hole is no more!
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