Friday, October 20, 2006


Learning to use our woodstove to create warmth without nearly dying of the heat has been a bit of trial and error. We've had nights when we found ourselves awake at 3 a.m., drenched in sweat, all covers discarded...and nights when we've had the furnace come on.

We seem to have found a happy medium by lighting the fire shortly before we go to bed, and letting it burn out overnight. With current outside temperatures, the residual heat is keeping the house warm through the day too. Last night I didn't light the fire at all, and though the house was a bit cool, it certainly wasn't cold. I burned three logs first thing this morning, and we're snug and cozy.

I'm sure with the dropping temperatures, we'll have to do some adjusting...but so far, so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How big is the woodpile now?

The photos of the fence line, little tree and fire were great, how about the rest of the property???????????;)