Saturday, January 13, 2007

Almost Tropical

It's warmed up to a balmy -12 degrees today. Thursday night was the coldest, -34. The woodstove has been going almost non-stop. We let it go out overnight last night, as Mike didn't have to get up early, and I re-lit it when I got up.

Errands in town are the order of the day. The travelling screening mammography unit has rolled into town, so that's where I have to go. Mike is getting a haircut, and then going to look for a couple of galvanized garbage cans to store grain in (we have a mouse in the shed who's been helping himself to Buck's oats).

Tomorrow we're going to the Jack Gawthorn Memorial Dog Sled Races at the Hills Ranch. I'll take my camera and post pics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DOG SLED RACES!!!! *pout* you get to have all the fun
