Monday, January 08, 2007

Well, Excuuuuuse Me!

I worked evening shift on the weekend, which meant being late to bed. Last night I puttered around a little before hitting the sack, and so was even later getting to bed than I'd intended. After sleepily saying goodbye to Mike sometime around 4:30 this morning, I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

I woke suddenly to something cold touching my face - it was a stainless steel dog dish being brought to me by Lucy, to gently remind me that I'd overslept by four minutes, and to request that I please get up and feed her. No sooner was I out of bed than Rupert began bellowing...not braying, but bellowing for his morning hay, which was also four minutes late. Sheesh. Talk about being a slave to the clock!

1 comment:

Berni said...

Priceless. I am so glad our dog chooses to sleep outside. At least she does this time of year although in summer she sleeps in our spare bathroom most of the time, I suppose it is cool.