Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The wonder of Wednesday...

It’s Wednesday, and that can only mean one thing – it’s newspaper day! In our corner of the world, the publication of the 100 Mile House Free Press is something you start looking forward to on Thursday, right after you’ve read and digested the news as presented the previous day.

You can read about things such as infighting in a nearby community’s volunteer fire department (there were restraining orders issued over that), stolen Christmas decorations, bickering about liquor licenses at the bowling lanes, and find out exactly who in the neighbourhood is celebrating a birthday or anniversary. It’s very endearing.

The classified section gets read in its entirety, and I marvel at how long the ad for an “older model microwave oven, $5” has been running.

And the flyers! – zillions of them, although significantly fewer than there were in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The only problem is, most of the flyers promote bargains at stores in Williams Lake or Kamloops that you’d have to spend $50 to $100 in gas to go and buy.

It’s Wednesday, and I’m off to buy my newspaper.

1 comment:

Berni said...

We have one too just like that. Maybe it is the same reporter. LOL