Tucker is settling in. He likes to sit on laps, and lounge on the bed, but he lacks confidence to approach, and tries to disappear when followed. Once contact is made, he's absolutely fine. He needed a quick bath this afternoon - I think the trauma of relocation, and not drinking well for a day has left him a bit constipated, and we had a small rear end problem to clean up. He was good as gold in the bath.

Still damp...hanging out with the big guys!

The weather forecast is promising snow, but it hasn't yet arrived. The woodstove is lit, the tea is on, and all is well on Inman Road.
Still damp...hanging out with the big guys!
The weather forecast is promising snow, but it hasn't yet arrived. The woodstove is lit, the tea is on, and all is well on Inman Road.
I would love to try knitting Tuck some little sweaters!! Can you get his chest measurment and his length for me? (In inches please!)
Love that last picture! So glad to hear that Tucker is settling in.
It's 9:25, snowing ... we have about 3 cm ... we just finished watching "Hairspray". Fun.
Our wood is ALL cut and under wraps. The splitting will be done over time ... even got all the bits and bobs burned!
TTFN ... Cicero
P.S. I'm glad to hear that Tucker likes his bath! A pain when they don't!
You all sound so cozy there. Sweet little dog. I am on the satellite now it came today. I ordered it before we went away.
We have -11 today and gorgeous sunshine which is nice as so far this winter it has been a bit overcast.
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