A truly beautiful morning here. -27 first thing, but it has warmed up just a bit now. The dogs were getting cold paws this morning and were alternating which foot to hold up off the ground. Buck didn't eat his hay this morning - I hope he's feeling okay. He seems well enough.

Buck and Rupert, catching the early morning sun to warm up a little.

Frosted aspens.

Looking up the driveway.
It is very overcast here because the lake is not frozen yet and it creates huge clouds, but if we travel towards Highway 16 it gets sunnier. I will be glad when the lake freezes because this is depressing. I put a picture of the lake in my new header.
I haven't figured out how to put my new link in the comments on Blogger but I will give it a try but for the meantime I will sign as a Google/Blogger
Only -17 at our place when we got up this morning. It was beautiful with all that frost/snow on the trees. D lamented leaving this beautiful day ... a day to ski and have fun in ... but the weather was to change and the drive down on Sunday may not have been quite so idyllic.
We were on the road by 10 ... a good drive down with hardly any traffic.
What a difference some sun makes for a winter scene. I love the first picture...!
Just to let you know I have fixed the link so it is easier to reach me now. This has been quite a learning curve.
Cariboo Ponderer
We drove out to Burns Lake today and it was so overcast here and as we drew into Burns the lights went on. On the positive side Burns is -23 and we are only -15 because of the clouds.
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