As we came up the hill out of Clinton on the way home from Kamloops, we met a snow storm which left us with about 6" of new snow overnight, and it promptly buried the bird bath which emerged last week. Another 4" of snow Monday, and we were back to as much accumulation as we've had all winter. Two good melting weeks all for nothing. This afternoon was as warm as we've had it all year, though, and after work I spent some time making little drainage canals in the driveway to drain away the melt water.
Our newest family member Cody is full of life, and as Yvette said, has a very big presence. He's a little big dog. I've been a life long avoider of little dogs, preferring the bigger specimens of the species, but he's quite captured our hearts. His house training is coming along, and we're encountering fewer puddles this week. Jasper is a little jealous of him, but Lucy has been very tolerant, and plays quite gently with him (he's not so gentle with her). I think with her sore hips she's quite happy not to be roughhousing too much. Gillis is pretty much ignoring him. He'll go on his first long haul with Mike at the end of April. (Cody was someone's Christmas present...they decided he belonged outside and banished him to -30 temperatures. Luckily for him, he was rescued by Turtle Gardens!)
All else is well here. Only -5 this morning, about 10 degrees warmer than we've had for the last two mornings. We were all up at 4 a.m. to see Mike off on his latest journey, so it's going to be an early night, I think.
Cody with Jasper
Such a cute little guy :)
I had always thought the 100 Mile area was warmer as you are further south, but I suppose Willie's Puddle is part of the warmer climate belt that follows the Fraser River? It's interesting to see the difference in temperature and snowfall.
We're at over 3800 ft,and quite exposed which makes us cold. We're always several degrees colder than the WL temperatures on the tv weather. There's not a lot of snow left in 100 Mile itself, but there's no shortage where we are.
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