This, people, is the monumental emergence of my first raised garden bed from under the snow! Rejoice, rejoice! This one is the garlic bed.
And this, the Inman Road river, which currently flows from the northwest side to the southeast side of the driveway, and its sole purpose is to divert meltwater from the driveway. It was created with a very ancient adze, and is maintained with the heel of my gumboot. Things are starting to get good and melty during the daytime, and the lessening snow mass is very noticeable. The weather guy is even predicting double digit daytime temperatures for the weekend - this is a very, very good thing.
Lucy and Cody. Cody just had a very traumatic experience...he got tangled up in a wild rose branch from his chin, and all along his undercarriage to his tail. He was hysterical and very uncomforatable, but eventually I was able to get him gently restrained on his back and snip away at it until it was all gone. He has his first appointment with Robert, the groomer tomorrow, and hopefully won't come home looking too poofy!
In the miscellany department, in the last week I've done two trips to Kamloops; one to pick Mike up, and another trip Saturday to take him to pick his truck up from the dealer. On Saturday morning we decided to go to Kamloops via Highway 24, and met blizzard conditions at Lac des Roches!
Thanks everyone for the birthday cards, calls, emails & FB posts on Saturday...I had tea and birthday cake for breakfast, and we had a great Japanese meal in Kamloops to mark the occasion.
I used to live in the NWT and every spring it was a total lake everywhere! all that snow has to go some where, so my dad used to do the same thing with trying to redirect the water away from our house.
Leah (random drop by blogger from here in BC:0)
It is so exciting to see spring finally making an appearance here in Canada, mud and all!
Tea and birthday cake for breakfast? Sounds perfect.
One of my raised beds is peaking through too! The snow seems to be receding at a good rate now.
I missed your birthday (I really didn't know when it was). Too bad but it sounds like you had a good time anyway ... with your sweetie ... and that's what counts most of all!
Happy belated birthday. Your driveway looks a lot like mine but I don't have any raised beds showing yet just great piles of dog poop!
Oh my, blizzard conditions in Lac De Roches would not be good. Yikes!
Glad spring is finally appearing for you "down there". It's especially great that your *garlic* bed is the first to emerge. I'm a big garlic fan :)
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