Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Day Spring Sprang in Lone Butte

Spring has always been my favourite season. I like Fall too, but I love spring. Spending most of my life in a place where Spring things happen pretty much immediately after Christmas has casued me to take it for granted. Snowdrops bloom in January, daffodils are doing their thing in February, and April is for tulips. But not here.

Spring in Lone Butte arrived, in my eyes at least, today. Because this morning, there were leaves on the aspen trees! Things are getting green. Spring in Lone Butte is something you anticipate. And wait for. And search for tiny hints and signs of its arrival. Willow branches began to redden in February. I saw a few pussy willows in late March. And now that it is finally here, I will savour every day of Spring.


Anonymous said...

We can't wait to share it with you next week. Ma and Pa.

Jen @ Light Enough to Travel said...

Spring is nearly over here... 18 degrees at 5 in the afternoon; the azaleas are almost over, and the irises are out already!

Anonymous said...

Spring has certainly sprung in Vancouver, although we have had frequent reminders of the winner rains. Are you up to a little planting? And what would you like in your new garden? ... Thelma