Rupert's not a big fan of the snow, though he does venture outside for hay. I did some snow shovelling in his pen to make him some walking room. He also has free access to the pasture, and doesn't mind the area where Buck tromps down the snow.
The greenhouse has survived it's first winter; its steep roof pitch does a great job of shedding snow.
Buck is hanging on to his winter coat. By this time last year, he was beginning to shed.
Mike is somewhere in Colorado; the weather is good and the roads are bare.
Belle photo du cheval! félicitation
It sure is wintery your way too. I would think the pasture's grasses are inaccessible. You have lots to keep you busy outdoors!
That greenhouse looks suspiciously like one that used to be on 110th Ave in Maple Ridge!
Merci, Valerie grass access till April/May...hay only till then!
Any resemblance to the 110 Greenhouse is purely coincidental, Stu. Mike copied the design of our friends'.
Oh oh, I think I'm in love with Rupert!!! Wanna trade for two piglets, Karen???
Donkeys have always been my favourite animals [don't tell my pigs, dogs, cat or alpaca that!] - I helped care for some at a sanctuary for a while and fell in love with them - their bray, their stubbornness, and that soft, soft place under their chin!
Jean (http://mylifewiththecritters.blogspot/com)
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