Hmmm, it seems I haven't blogged in over a week...I could've sworn it was just a couple of days ago. Oh well, back at it again.
Mike was home all last week, and we got some projects done. The new garden bed is fully fenced, dogproofed, and mostly planted. So far I've put in peas, potatoes, bush beans (dodgy, as we can have frost any month of the year), two types of carrots, beets, swiss chard, turnips, rutabagas, two types of parsnips, leeks, cauliflower & basil (in the green house). I haven't made a trek to the garden centres yet to get tomatoes and zucchini; maybe after work tomorrow.
And I finally have a clothesline! (Which explains why it's been raining for the last couple of days.) Nothing smells better than clothes, towels and bedding fresh off a clothesline. And we can be a little greener, by not using the dryer & fabric softener very often.
We spent yesterday afternoon getting the truck stocked and packed up, and Mike and Cody set off in the early hours of the morning. They are on their way to Pennsylvania! It seems very quiet here without Cody Amos...I haven't been apart from him for more than a few hours since his arrival at the end of February. It's odd having my shoes stay beside the door; I usually have to track them down when he's around.
Photos tomorrow!