Let me start this post by saying that I love the life that I have here in the Cariboo with Mike. I love our property, our animals, our surroundings, our town, my work, our lifestyle. I’ve made some new friends this year. This place is well and truly my home.
Today though, I’m missing each and every person who is dear to me and who is absent from my life at the moment. I miss Jen, who is on the other side of the world, so much today that my heart might break. I miss Mike who is days away but heading homeward so much that I ache. I’d give anything right now to have a cup of tea with my mom and dad. I miss my brothers and my sister in law. I miss family gatherings and being able to hug my dear nieces, my cousins, my aunt & uncle.
I miss Karen, and Debbie, and Nancy, and Barb, and Jackie, and Jayne, and Janet, and Margaret and Carol.
This is all brought on by the season, and by it being Karen’s birthday and being unable to attend the traditional birthday gathering of friends. It’s brought on by having all my Christmas stuff in storage, and by having no room for a tree, and no lights up because I can’t manage our stupid heavy ladder. I’m sure hormones are playing a significant role in my pity party too, but there’s not much I can do about that.
Doubtless things will look brighter tomorrow…but today they’re looking a little blue.